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Seto Kaiba:

Some memorable quotes:  "I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick some ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum!" 

"I will show you God... For that is what powers us!" 

"Bastard!  You tarnished my Blue Eyes White Dragon with your filthy blood!"

When his parents passed away, Seto and Mokuba, original last names unknown, were taken into a homeless shelter, where they would remain.  It was there that Seto vowed he would help Mokuba, no matter what happened.  Then a man, Gozabura Kaiba appeared at that shelter to adopt one lucky child into his house and life of riches.  Seto wanted to help Mokuba, and didn't want to go with Gozabura alone, so he challenged Gozabura to a game of chess.  If Seto would win, Gozabura would adopt both Seto and Mokuba into his care.  Gozabura laughed heartedly.  Being the world champion at chess, it would be impossible for Seto to win.  But indeed, Seto did win.  Gozabura trained Seto as his successor while Seto and Mokuba lived there.  With harsh treatment, (Note:  In the manga it showed Gozabura standing behind Seto doing his homework.  Seto was wearing a dog collar and was being physically abused.  This might be why Seto calls others he dislikes "dogs") Seto soon became a cold hearted person and lead it up to his present life.  As of Gozabura, it is quite unknown what really happened.  In the manga, Seto killed him by

 shoving him out the window.  In the anime, he threatened him to do it, and Gozabura suffered a fatal stroke.

Later on with life he has confidence, power, riches, and one of the most powerful cards in the game.  Seto Kaiba had it all�until Yuugi Mutou came.  Wanting Suguroko's (Yuugi's grandfather's) cards, the 4th Blue Eyes White Dragon in the world, he offered to pay money for it, trade his entire collection, anything that would make Sugoroku cough it up.  But holding onto his most prized possession, he did not.

Later in the day, Seto forced Sugoroku into a duel for the Blue Eyes.  Seto won because of his shocking holograms, and he grabbed the 4th Blue Eyes and promptly shred it to bits.  His intentions were then clear.  Because he had 3 Blue Eyes, he didn't want the 4th to be used against him.  Yuugi then faced him.  After a long chain of difficulty, 3 Blue Eyes were on the field against Yuugi.  With a score of 1000 to 200,  Yuugi was in a pinch but drew the final piece of the Sealed Exodia set and scored an instant win, shattering his instant win and crushing Seto's mind, opening his thoughts to new horizons. 

Not much is known about where Seto was a while after the fated duel with Yuugi.  Mokuba had escaped for Pegasus J. Crawford's custody and informed Yuugi, Anzu, Honda, and Jounouchi that Pegasus was attempting a take over of Kaiba Corporation.  During a duel with "Kaiba's Ghost"  or so Pegasus claimed, Kaiba helped Yuugi by inserting a virus into the hologram by hacking into the Duelist Kingdom system.  The "ghost" is revealed as the Death Imitator, a goon hired by Pegasus (in the dub, it says he's Kaiba's darker half, but that�s just a bunch of crap that isn't true).  One mind crush later,  Kaiba is on the run from Pegasus's goons and escapes in due time.

Later on,  Kaiba shows up to grab Mokuba at Duelist Kingdom.  Angering Jounouchi,  Kaiba duels him and slaughters him crushing his confidence and claiming he's a "dog."  This lead to constant hatred with Jounouchi for a long time.  After going a long way and doing what he could, he finally reached Pegasus for a duel.  Pegasus claims Kaiba must beat Yuugi first.  Kaiba understands the deal.  "Hurt my brother, and I'll hang you by the threads of justice."  Pegasus then promptly seals Mokuba's soul in a card, much to Kaiba's dismay.

The duel with Yuugi marked the turning in Kaiba's personality.  After summoning the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the most powerful beast Kaiba's deck can use, thus far.  Yuugi pulls off a 3-card combo to cripple it, making Kaiba look on inches from defeat.  But it's not over.  Kaiba backs up to the edge of the castle.  He says when his Life Points reach 0, he will jump and kill himself. "Yuugi...with this card, CUT MY NECK!"  Yuugi forfeits the duel.  Kaiba grabs Yuugi's 5 Starchips for a total of 10, leaving Yuugi with 5 left, and promptly heads to Pegasus's castle.  The duel begins, with Yuugi and co. as the audience.  Kaiba requests they use his duel disk system, but Pegasus says only if the soulless Mokuba duels in Pegasus's place.  So Kaiba agrees to use Pegasus's arena, furious.  The duel begins, but Kaiba falls to Pegasus's mind reading from his Sennen Eye.  His unattackable toons beat Kaiba, and Kaiba's soul is sealed.  Yuugi goes through many trials and tribulations in his duel with Pegasus, but saves Kaiba and Mokuba, plus his sealed grandpa, Sugoroku.  Kaiba thanks Yuugi and their adventure as rivals continues.

Later on, Kaiba is trapped in a virtual game.  Yuugi and co. eventually save him and Yuugi and Kaiba work together to summon the ultimate beast, the Master of Dragon Knight, a fusion of Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Chaos Soldier. They then beat a monster of unstoppable proportions, the Five God Dragon.
- TS Seto Kaiba

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